Our centres are available nearest to your location with all the necessary equipment for the tests. Get immediate help from our team all days of the week.
We are available 24/7 in our centres to provide immediate checkup and services only on emergency cases. Our staff will be available in shifts to provide the right medical care needed to control the situation until the doctor can lead the diagnosis and treatment.
We are available on all social media platforms and have a dedicated website to make accessibility and awareness easy for everyone. Connect with our team to receive the right steps from taking care of your loved ones. Also, get to learn about HIV, its causes, effects, and prolonged symptoms with the help of experts.
Know Your Status. Get Tested.
Get a complete body check today to know your HIV status. Get the right diagnosis and prevent any other disease that might exist.
Learn how you can identify the symptoms and what is your first step to control the situation.
How Is It Spread?
Get the right awareness about HIV from the experts and our doctors who take weekly sessions to teach about HIV.
Get effective antibiotics from our centres prescribed by our doctors to slow down or control the condition completely.
We value the life of every patient and know how important it is for a family to treat their loved ones.
Prevent The Bacteria From Spreading
Learn how you can control HIV bacteria from spreading to people around you. HIV is not an airborne disease, and a person around an HIV positive person is safe unless body fluids like blood, semen, and breast milk, is shared.
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With the global HIV epidemic, women all around communities have been affected by HIV. There are women who constitute more than half of all of the people living with HIV, which involves HIV and AIDS-related illnesses which can remain the leading cause for the death of the women. Young women in the ages of 15 and 24 are somewhere there is a disproportionate number of new HIV infections.
In the year 2007, around 7000, adolescent girls and young women became HIV positive. There is a far higher rate than the new infections which among young men are twice as likely to acquire HIV as their male peers. Regions like Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which has been driven by unsafe injections drug use where people have been disproportionally affected, and the population of women seem to be on the rise.
Why are women in the risk of HIV?
HIV can disproportionately affect women and girls because of their unequal culture, social and economic status in the society. There are many intimate partner violence which has a lot of laws revolving around the practices which reinforces the unequal power dynamics between men and women, which has its own disadvantage.
HIV has a lot to do with women facing significant barriers to accessing healthcare services. These barriers can occur at the individual, interpersonal communities and societal levels. There are many barriers which can take many forms which includes things like denial, which can help one access the female sexuality to have a poor quality of service.
The procedures that are relating to the women’s sexual health which can be performed without consent. They are generally subjected to a lot of forced sterilisation and virginity examinations and forced abortions. The healthcare providers also do not understand the laws around childbirth and HIV. This is one of the main reason when HIV positive women choose to have an abortion which can be the result of misinformed care.
A lack of access to comprehensive services where the women are less like to look after their sexual and reproductive health and rights, which can reduce the infection and risk of HIV. With access to these services, women have experienced and learned more about the unplanned pregnancies, which can help with understanding sexual and institutional violence.
In any setting, one can see that there are services which exist which can primarily married women with children and do not meet the specific needs of a young individual. More often than not, these health care provides are not well trained or skilled enough to do a youth-friendly service which will allow one to have an understanding of the age of consent.
Getting tested is one of the best ways to find out if one has HIV. HIV is an immunodeficiency virus which can affect a humans immune system. HIV tests are generally recommended for all adults, which is one of the best ways to ensure that you have a quick and painless result.
How to know if one has HIV?
There is no definite way to knowing if you have HIV or no without getting tested as most people do not experience symptoms for years. Testing is a good idea, especially when you are having unprotected sex on a regular basis. You should also get tested when your partner is tested positive, or you have shared needles with anybody, which also includes shooting, drugs, piercings or tattoos.
HIV testing is very easy as all you have to do is get a testing kit and make sure that you can really put your mind at ease by having it done. HIV is not the end of your life with the right medications; you can easily put your mind at ease at leading a very healthy life. There are many ways that you can also lower the chances of spreading the virus to others. In general, an infected person to show positive can take up to 3 months which is a long window period.
Types of HIV tests
There are certain HIV tests which are known to work harder as they take about 20 minutes to show up. HIV tests are generally useless, and all it takes is just a rub inside your cheek with a cotton swab also they might require blood samples for testing. There are many testing kits which can allow you to ensure that you do not have to visit a lab. You have to do as instructed and ensure that you send it back to the lab, and you will get your results in an email form.
Where to go for HIV testing?
You can easily get tested for HIV at your doctor’s office, which can allow one to have the right tests done(Must Watc). HIV tests are generally done in anonymous and confidential, which can depend on the laws in the states where you live in. This confidential testing means that your results will be marked with an ID and not your name. The results will not go in the medical records and can allow one to have the right full secrecy of the tests and results.
STD testing can usually be a part of your regular gynaecologist exam which can help one fight the tests and not get a judge. The idea of testing can be scary and can also be responsible for taking care of the usual quick and painless procedure.
It is estimated that 1.1 million people living in the USA are infected with HIV, which is one-seventh of the population living with HIV, where most of them are not even aware that they are infected. With the new annual reports, it is estimated that gay men or men having sex with men are more susceptible to getting the infection. The stigma and discrimination is something which has allowed people to not give it a top priority. HIV rates are higher in southern states which is 45% of the people living with HIV. There are many HIV epidemic which killed around 6,92,790 people who died of AIDS-related illnesses.
The population most affected by HIV in the USA
The HIV epidemic in the USA is something which has impacted one group more than others. These groups are sometimes referred to as the key populations which have affected the specific race and ethnicity more susceptible. There are many economic and socio-economic factors which can drive these population into discriminating and stigmatising. Sexual networks is probably one of the major problems, which is the reason it spreads in the community.
Men who have sex with other men are the group of people who are more affected with HIV in the USA which is accounted for 2% of the population which has over 66% of new annual HIV infections. There are over 6,32,300 USA based men who are actively involved with other men who have HIV. The HIV infection among the men who have sex with the men remained stable at wth 26,000 a year. These trends generally vary with the age and ethnicity of the people, which has an overall stable view.
In 2017, 24% HIV positive and 21% of HIV negative men who are having sex with the men with the last without any protection having anal or oral sex. In the United States, African American men are most affected by HIV than any other ethnic group. These groups accounted for 43% of the new HIV infections, which can allow one to make 12% of the population. But from 2010 to 1027, the number plunged down which decreased the numbers by 12%
The Hispanic population is also disproportionately spread but can easily account for over 26% of the new diagnoses of HIV. They represent 18% of the population, this is due to the fact that the majority of people in the Hispanic population have unprotected sex with men.
From 2011 to 2015 the results rose up to 13% among the Hispanics which can easily be declined from steadily by 14% but rose by 13% among Hispanic who have sex with men. The Hispanic and Latino community still faces a huge number of challenges when it comes to HIV prevention and treatment services.
Post Exposure Prophylaxis is also known as Post Exposure Prevention is a preventative medical treatment which started after an exposure which is a pathogen which can help one prevent the infection from occurring. There are many ways PEP can show up for effective treatment from rabies, tetanus, HIV. In this article, we are going to be learning more about Post Exposure Prophylaxis.
Rabies is one of the most common as well as effective ways to prevent the onset of rabies which is generally spread through a suspected rabid animal bite. There are many diagnostic which are available to detect rabies prior to infection. The treatment consists of rabies injection and immunoglobulin, which is requires to treat the person. The rabies vaccines can be given to both the human and animals who has been potentially exposed to rabies.
When AZT was approved as a treatment for AIDs, the healthcare workers were exposed to a certain amount of HIV. This is where people taught giving healthcare workers the AZT is one of the best ways to keep the healthcare workers healthy. There are many HIV treatments which is known to have high risk after exposure. From one of the early data, people taught that AZT is one of the most efficient ways to prevent the transmission of HIV infection. AZT was a reduce maternal-infant transmission of HIV, which helped in random control tests where the Post Expose Prophylaxis was used.
The PEP showed more beneficial data with the help of maternal transmission of HIV, which was done in a very randomised and controlled manner. The subsequent data shows that the combination of ART is significantly superior to AZT, which helps with the perinatal transmission rates. The AZT is no longer recommended, which means that the tolerance is higher and can be the reason for the patients non-compliance.
There are many other ways like a condom break where the person with HIV positive person. There is evidence which suggests that PEP has the ability to reduce the risk of HIV infection in some cases which can later be replaced with the updated guidelines in 2016. There are many occupational exposures that include things like injury of health care professional and other HIV infected sources.
With the HIV attacking medicines shortly exposed after being can easily reduce the risk of contracting HIV. There are a number of risk factors associated with the antiretroviral drugs can depend on many numbers of risk factors which started after one high-risk event. There are many PEP indications which is known to have potentially fewer side effects which can occur with the ART treatment. The treatment, although can easy can be a complicated one as the potential factors are still unknown.
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus which attacks the cells and helps the body fight off infection. This virus can make a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases which can be spread through contact. Most often than not, it is spread by unprotected sexual contact or through sharing injection or any other drug equipment. If HIV is left untreated, it can lead to AIDS, which a human body cannot get rid of, and you can have it for life. There is no definitive cure for HIV, but the course of antiretroviral therapy (ART) can allow people to live a long and healthy life. There are many effective ways people can get rid of HIV, which includes protected sex and single-use drugs. HIV is the reason for one of the deadliest and most persistent epidemics.
AIDS is the last stage of HIV, where the infection has taken over the body’s immune systems and is badly damaged because of the virus. There are many ways you can stop the development of HIV into aids, which includes taking medicines prescribed by your doctor. When the number of CD4 cells falls below the per cubic millimetre of blood or 200 cells/mm3 is considered to have AIDS. There are also many other infections which get forms regardless of the CD4 count.
HIV medicine, people with AIDS typically survive for about three years and can have dangerous opportunistic illnesses which with the life expectancy can have the treatment going for more than one year. HIV can help people at any stage of life, which can also be lifesaving as ART can help the patient experience more benefits.
How to know if one has HIV?
The only way to learn that you have HIV is to get tested where you need to ask your health care provider for an HIV test. There are many medical clinics, substance abuse programs, community health centres and hospitals which offer HIV testing kits to help test for yourselves.
People at risk
In general, there are a few groups of people who are at high risk of getting HIV than the rest due to their risky behaviour and the place they live in. When you live in a community, you need to understand that participating in sexual behaviour. One of the easiest ways to know if you have HIV is to get it to check. If you see that you have unprotected sex or sharing needles, you are at a higher risk of contracting the disease.
The gay and bisexual communities have the largest number of new diagnoses which is followed by the African Americans, Latinos and other racial groups. They are other risky behaviours like anal sex or oral sex which can lead to both the partners testing positive to HIV.