When to take the test
After you have had unprotected sex, you have a window of two to eight weeks where the immune system begins to make antibodies which is required to have HIV after exposure. It is possible that immediately after a negative test result the first three months of being exposed, you get the confirmed status and get tested again after three months period.
Other test options
We have come a long when it comes to development in science where people can get tested in the privacy and comfort of their own home. There are many things which are sold in the drug stores which has allowed people to have 17 years old to purchase them. Other home tests that are available in the united states which are not FDA approved can provide inaccurate and unsafe measures. There are several tests like the HIV home testing kits:
BioSure HIV Self Test:
This test is the only available in certain parts of Europe which have followed the European quality standards which can be used in the blood test for HIV in 15 minutes.AutoTest VIH:
This is the test which is available in certain parts of Europe which meet the quality standards of making use of blood from the fingertips to tests for HIV.INSTI HIV self-test:
This is another test which meets the European quality standards and promises results in just 60 seconds.
All of the tests which are used in similar tools and methods have the right test for HIV, which is used in the United States. These tests are not FDA approved and can be risky as it may not provide with accurate results.